#Basic PREC = Normal # PREC= Low | Medium | High | Normal | Accurate | Single ISTART = 0 # Determines whether to read WAVECAR or not. ICHARG = 2 # Determines the 'initial' charge density. LREAL = A # .TRUE.:projection in real space, .FALSE.:reciprocal space. LWAVE = .FALSE. # Written WAVECAR. LCHARG = .FALSE. # Written CHG and CHGCAR. LORBIT = 11 # Written PROCAR and PROOUT. NPAR = 8 # number of cores per compute node. set:sqrt(number of cores) ISYM = 0 # Default # ISPIN = 2 # Default = 1, 2:spin polarized calculations (collinear) are performed. #Electronic Relaxation ENCUT = 400 # Cut-off energy for plane wave basis set in eV. NELM = 200 # Maximum number of electronic SC steps. NELMIN = 6 # Minimum number of electronic SC steps. EDIFF = 1E-5 # Break condition for the electronic SC-loop. GGA = PE # GGA = 91 -- PE -- RP -- PS -- AM #VOSKOWN = 1 # For PW91 and is not required for thr PBE or PBEsol #Ionic Relaxation #NSW = 2000 # Maximum number of ionic steps. # EDIFFG = -0.0002 # Break condition for the ionic relaxation loop IBRION = 0 # Determines how the ions are updated and moved. ISIF = 2 # Controls whether the stress tensor is calculated. POTIM = 1.0 # Scaling constant for the forces. # IVDW = 12 # Add vdW correction to potential energy. #DOS related values ISMEAR = 0 # Determines partial occupancies fnk for each orbital. SIGMA = 0.05 #NBANDS = 112 # Determines the actual number of bands in the calculation. #Molecular dynamics NSW = 4000 # Maximum number of ionic steps. NWRITE = 1 # Determines how much will be written to the file OUTCAR TEBEG = 300 # Start temperature TEEND = 300 # Final temperature SMASS = -1 # -1,0 for NVT and -3 for NVE NBLOCK = 4 # Written to the XDATCAR. ALGO = Normal # Electronic minimisation algorithm MAXMIX = 40 # Maximum number steps stored in Broyden mixer
这一步需要让结构充分弛豫,最终的温度应该在设置的温度附近震荡,可以用grep E= OSZICAR > energy.dat得到温度随时间的数据,用origin画图检查一下:
#Basic PREC = Normal # PREC= Low | Medium | High | Normal | Accurate | Single ISTART = 0 # Determines whether to read WAVECAR or not. ICHARG = 2 # Determines the 'initial' charge density. LREAL = A # .TRUE.:projection in real space, .FALSE.:reciprocal space. LWAVE = .FALSE. # Written WAVECAR. LCHARG = .FALSE. # Written CHG and CHGCAR. LORBIT = 11 # Written PROCAR and PROOUT. NPAR = 8 # number of cores per compute node. set:sqrt(number of cores) ISYM = 0 # Default # ISPIN = 2 # Default = 1, 2:spin polarized calculations (collinear) are performed. #Electronic Relaxation ENCUT = 400 # Cut-off energy for plane wave basis set in eV. NELM = 200 # Maximum number of electronic SC steps. NELMIN = 6 # Minimum number of electronic SC steps. EDIFF = 1E-5 # Break condition for the electronic SC-loop. GGA = PE # GGA = 91 -- PE -- RP -- PS -- AM #VOSKOWN = 1 # For PW91 and is not required for thr PBE or PBEsol #Ionic Relaxation #NSW = 2000 # Maximum number of ionic steps. # EDIFFG = -0.02 # Break condition for the ionic relaxation loop IBRION = 0 # Determines how the ions are updated and moved. #ISIF = 2 # Controls whether the stress tensor is calculated. POTIM = 1.0 # Scaling constant for the forces. # IVDW = 12 # Add vdW correction to potential energy. #DOS related values ISMEAR = 0 # Determines partial occupancies fnk for each orbital. SIGMA = 0.05 #NBANDS = 112 # Determines the actual number of bands in the calculation. #Molecular dynamics NSW = 5000 # Maximum number of ionic steps. NWRITE = 1 # Determines how much will be written to the file OUTCAR TEBEG = 300 # Start temperature TEEND = 300 # Final temperature SMASS = -3 # -1,0 for NVT and -3 for NVE NBLOCK = 1 # Written to the XDATCAR. ALGO = Normal # Electronic minimisation algorithm MAXMIX = 40 # Maximum number steps stored in Broyden mixer #Magnetism #NUPDOWN = 2 # Number of electrons #SAXIS = # s_x s_y s_z (quantisation axis for spin) #MAGMOM = # local magnetic moment in x,y,z #Soc related values #LSORBIT = .TRUE. # Switches on spin-orbit coupling. #LNONCOLLINEAR = .TRUE. # Perform fully non-collinear magnetic structure calculations. #LMAXMIX = 4 # Controls up to which l quantum number the onsite PAW charge densities. #GGA_COMPAT = .FALSE. # Restores the full lattice symmetry for gradient corrected functionals. #HSE06 related values #LHFCALC = .TRUE. # Whether Hartree-Fock type calculations are performed. #HFSCREEN = 0.2 # Determines the range separation parameter in hybrid functionals. #ALGO = Damped # Specify the electronic minimisation algorithm. #TIME = 0.4 # Controls the trial time step or the initial (steepest descent) phase. #PRECFOCK = Normal # Controls the FFT grid for the exact exchange (Hartree-Fock) routines. #AEXX = 0.25 # Fraction of exact exchange. #L(S)DA + U #LDAU = .TRUE. #LDAUTYPE = 2 #LDAUL = #LDAUU = #LDAUJ = #LDAUPRINT = 2 #LMAXMIX = 6
将XDATCAR复制到一个新的文件夹,并准备xdat2pos.py,直接输入python xdat2pos.py,就会生成一个run文件夹,下面使用一个小脚本进行提交任务,首先准备INCAR,POTCAR,KPOINTS,run.sh,由于只需要计算gamma点,因此KPOINTS只需要设置单k点,自洽计算也只需要用vasp_gam版本,我的run.sh如下:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J 1 #SBATCH -p bcores48 #SBATCH -n 48 #SBATCH --reservation=qc119_30 module load vasp/5.4.4 module load intel/2017u5 export I_MPI_ADJUST_REDUCE=3 for i in {0001..0570};do cd run/$i ln -sf ../../INCAR ln -sf ../../KPOINTS ln -sf ../../POTCAR #ln -sf ../../vasp.sh mpirun -np 48 vasp_gam &>log cd ../.. done
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from CAnac import nac_calc T_start = 1 T_end = 4000 # NAC calculations and Genration of standard input for HFNAMD or PYXAID # bmin and bmax are actual band index in VASP, # and should be same with the bmin and bmax in your NAMD simulation. is_combine = True #If generate standard input for HFNAMD or PYXAID #iformat = "PYXAID" iformat = "HFNAMD" bmin = 81 bmax = 82 potim = 1 # Nuclear timestep, unit: fs # Time-overlap # bmin_stored bmax_stored are actual band index in VASP # Use a large basis sets here if # you would like to remove WAVECAR to save disk usage # Or when you turn on the state reordering # bmin_stored = bmin - 10 # bmax_stored = bmax + 10 bmin_stored = 75 bmax_stored = 85 nproc = 4 # Number of cores used in parallelization is_gamma_version = True # Which VASP version is used!! # vasp_std False vasp_gam True is_reorder= False # If turn on State Reordering # True (use with care) or False is_alle = False # If use All-electron wavefunction # (require NORMALCAR) True or False is_real = True # If rotate wavefunction to ensure NAC is real value. # True (Mandatory for HFNAMD and PYXAID) or False. ikpt = 1 #k-point index, starting from 1 to NKPTS ispin = 1 #spin index, 1 or 2 # Directories structure. # Here, 0001 for 1st ionic step, 0002 for 2nd ionic step, etc. # Don't forget the forward slash at the end. Dirs = ['./%04d/' % (ii + 1) for ii in range(T_start-1, T_end)] # Don't change anything below if you are new to CA-NAC ######################################################################### # For Pseudo NAC only. omin and omax are used for post-orthonormalization. # In principle, you should use entire basis sets in VASP icor = 1 omin = bmin_stored omax = bmax_stored skip_file_verification = False skip_TDolap_calc = False skip_NAC_calc = False onthefly_verification = True checking_dict={'skip_file_verification':skip_file_verification, 'skip_TDolap_calc':skip_TDolap_calc, 'skip_NAC_calc':skip_NAC_calc, 'onthefly_verification':onthefly_verification} nac_calc(Dirs, checking_dict, nproc, is_gamma_version, is_reorder, is_alle, is_real, is_combine, iformat, bmin, bmax, bmin_stored, bmax_stored, omin, omax, ikpt, ispin, icor, potim )
其中T_end是上一步进行自洽计算的步数,bmin = 81,bmax = 82 为VBM和CBM的序号,运行之后会产生如下文件:
cp CAeig_81_82_ispin1_k1_ps_real.txt energy.dat python Dephase.py
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