&CONTROL calculation = 'md', dt = 20.67055, nstep = 5000, pseudo_dir = './', outdir = './', prefix = 'x', disk_io = 'low', / &SYSTEM ibrav = 0, celldm(1) = 1.89, nat = 6, ntyp = 2, nspin = 1, nbnd = 20, ecutwfc = 30, tot_charge = 0.0, occupations = 'smearing', smearing = 'gaussian', degauss = 0.005, nosym = .true., / &ELECTRONS electron_maxstep = 300, conv_thr = 1.D-5, mixing_beta = 0.45, / &IONS ion_dynamics = 'verlet', ion_temperature = 'andersen', tempw = 300.00 , nraise = 1, / ATOMIC_SPECIES C 12.01 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF H 1.008 H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF K_POINTS gamma CELL_PARAMETERS 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 10.0000000 ATOMIC_POSITIONS (alat) C -5.04672 2.31763 0.01782 C -3.71548 2.30894 -0.00587 H -5.60642 1.54073 -0.49255 H -5.57772 3.10164 0.54761 H -3.18448 1.52493 -0.53565 H -3.15579 3.08584 0.50451
参数详细说明: &CONTROL: calculation = 'md': 指定计算类型;在此情况下,是分子动力学(MD)模拟。 dt = 20.67055: MD模拟的时间步长,单位通常是原子单位(au),1 a.u. = 4.8378 * 10 ^ -17 s,相当于1fs。 nstep = 5000: MD步数。 pseudo_dir = './': 赝势文件所在的目录。 outdir = './': 输出文件的目录。 prefix = 'x': 输出文件名的前缀。 disk_io = 'low': 指定I/O活动的级别。 &SYSTEM : ibrav = 0: 布拉维格子类型(0表示晶胞由celldm定义)。 celldm(1) = 1.89: 第一个celldm参数,指定单位晶胞的整体缩放。 nat = 6: 单位晶胞中的原子数。 ntyp = 2: 原子类型的数量。 nspin = 1: 自旋分量的数量。 nbnd = 20: 电子带的数量。 ecutwfc = 30: 波函数的能量截断。 tot_charge = 0.0: 系统的总电荷。 occupations = 'smearing': 指定电子占据的处理方式。 smearing = 'gaussian': 使用的平滑类型。 degauss = 0.005: 平滑的宽度,以电子伏特为单位。 nosym = .true.: 禁用对称性。 &ELECTRONS: electron_maxstep = 300: 电子步数的最大值。 conv_thr = 1.D-5: 电子自洽性的收敛阈值。 mixing_beta = 0.45: 控制电荷密度混合的参数。 &IONS: ion_dynamics = 'verlet': 指定离子动力学的积分算法(Verlet算法)。 ion_temperature = 'andersen': 指定控制离子温度的恒温器方法(Andersen恒温器)。 tempw = 300.00: 恒温器的目标温度。 nraise = 1: 在速度重新缩放尝试之间的步数。
PSlibrary – QUANTUMESPRESSO (quantum-espresso.org)
> ls ] C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF submit.slm x.md.in
&inputpp prefix = 'x0', outdir = './', pseudo_dir = '/data/home/qc119/workspace/xiaqian/test_pyxaid/Tut2_small/step2', psfile(1) = 'C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF', psfile(2) = 'H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF', single_file = .FALSE., ascii = .TRUE., uspp_spsi = .FALSE., /
&CONTROL calculation = 'scf', pseudo_dir = '/data/home/qc119/workspace/xiaqian/test_pyxaid/Tut2_small/step2', outdir = './', prefix = 'x0', disk_io = 'low', wf_collect = .true. / &SYSTEM ibrav = 0, celldm(1) = 1.89, nat = 6, ntyp = 2, nspin = 2, nbnd = 20, ecutwfc = 30, tot_charge = 0.0, starting_magnetization(1) = 0.01 occupations = 'smearing', smearing = 'gaussian', degauss = 0.005, nosym = .true., / &ELECTRONS electron_maxstep = 300, conv_thr = 1.D-5, mixing_beta = 0.45, / &IONS ion_dynamics = 'verlet', ion_temperature = 'andersen', tempw = 300.00 , nraise = 1, / ATOMIC_SPECIES C 12.01 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF H 1.008 H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF K_POINTS gamma CELL_PARAMETERS 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 10.0000000
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J xiaqian #SBATCH -p bcores48 #SBATCH -n 48 #SBATCH --reservation=qc119_30 module load intel/2017u5 export I_MPI_ADJUST_REDUCE=3 echo "SLURM_JOBID="$SLURM_JOBID echo "SLURM_JOB_NODELIST="$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST echo "SLURM_NNODES="$SLURM_NNODES echo "SLURMTMPDIR="$SLURMTMPDIR echo "working directory="$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR NPROCS=`srun --nodes=${SLURM_NNODES} bash -c 'hostname' |wc -l` echo NPROCS=$NPROCS module load gcc/7.5.0 # Setup all manual parameters here # Must be ABSOLUTE paths NP=1 exe_qespresso=/data/home/qc119/sourcecode/QE6.5/qe-6.5/bin/pw.x exe_export=/data/home/qc119/sourcecode/QE6.5/qe-6.5/bin/pw_export.x exe_convert=/data/home/qc119/sourcecode/QE6.5/qe-6.5/bin/iotk res=/data/home/qc119/workspace/xiaqian/test_pyxaid/Tut2_small/step2/res #上面的内容都要根据具体情况修改,下面的不需要修改 # These will be assigned automatically, leave them as they are param1= param2= # This is invocation of the scripts which will further handle NA-MD calclculations # on the NAC calculation step python -c "from PYXAID import * params = { } params[\"NP\"]=$NP params[\"EXE\"]=\"$exe_qespresso\" params[\"EXE_EXPORT\"]=\"$exe_export\" params[\"EXE_CONVERT\"] = \"$exe_convert\" params[\"start_indx\"]=$param1 params[\"stop_indx\"]=$param2 params[\"wd\"]=\"wd_test\" params[\"rd\"]=\"$res\" params[\"minband\"]=4 params[\"nocc\"]=6 params[\"maxband\"]=10 params[\"nac_method\"]=0 params[\"wfc_preprocess\"]=\"complete\" params[\"do_complete\"]=1 params[\"prefix0\"]=\"x0.scf\" params[\"prefix1\"]=\"x1.scf\" params[\"compute_Hprime\"]=0 print params runMD1.runMD(params) "
from PYXAID import * import os nsteps_per_job = 50 tot_nsteps = 500 # Step 1 - split MD trajectory on the time steps # Provide files listed below: "x.md.out" and "x.scf.in" # IMPORTANT: # 1) use only ABSOLUTE path for PP in x.scf.in file # 2) provided input file is just a template, so do not include coordinates out2inp.out2inp("x.md.out","x0.scf.in","wd","x0.scf",0,tot_nsteps,1) # neutral setup #out2inp.out2inp("x.md.out","x1.scf.in","wd","x1.scf",0,tot_nsteps,1) # charged setup # Step 2 - distribute all time steps into groups(jobs) # several time steps per group - this is to accelerate calculations # creates a "customized" submit file for each job and submit it - run # a swarm in independent calculations (trajectory pieces) # (HTC paradigm) # Provide the files below: # submit_templ.pbs - template for submit files - manually edit the variables # x.exp.in - file for export of the wavefunction os.system("cp submit_templ.slm wd") os.system("cp x0.exp.in wd") #os.system("cp x1.exp.in wd") os.chdir("wd") distribute.distribute(0,tot_nsteps,nsteps_per_job,"submit_templ.slm",["x0.exp.in"],["x0.scf"],2) #distribute.distribute(0,tot_nsteps,nsteps_per_job,"submit_templ.pbs",["x0.exp.in","x1.exp.in"],["x0.scf","x1.scf"],1)
其中, nsteps_per_job = 50 tot_nsteps = 500 代表计算500步,分为10部分计算,每部分计算50步
> ls ] C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF py-scr2.py submit_templ.slm x0.exp.in x0.scf.in x.md.out
> mkdir res > python py-scr2.py
运行过程中,可以使用脚本py-scr7.py来时事监控任务进程,直接输入命令python py-scr7.py即可,也可以看res目录是否产生了结果文件,这一步也是时事更新的,如果没有文件,可能就是出错了,可以运行命令看一下:
> python py-scr7.py ] range(0,178) nelts = 178 > ls ./res ] 0_Ham_0_im 0_Ham_119_re 0_Ham_139_im 0_Ham_158_re 0_Ham_24_im 0_Ham_43_re 0_Ham_63_im 0_Ham_82_re 0_Ham_0_re 0_Ham_11_im 0_Ham_139_re 0_Ham_159_im 0_Ham_24_re 0_Ham_44_im 0_Ham_63_re 0_Ham_83_im 0_Ham_100_im 0_Ham_11_re 0_Ham_13_im 0_Ham_159_re 0_Ham_25_im 0_Ham_44_re 0_Ham_64_im 0_Ham_83_re 0_Ham_100_re 0_Ham_120_im 0_Ham_13_re 0_Ham_15_im 0_Ham_25_re 0_Ham_45_im 0_Ham_64_re 0_Ham_84_im
> mkdir spectr > python py-scr6.py > cd spectr > ls ] 1ave_Ham_im.dat 1ave_Ham_re.dat ave_Ham_im.dat ave_Ham_re.dat
> mkdir out > mkdir macro
python py-scr3.py
> cd macro/ > ls ] energy_macro_ex0 plt_td_map se_en_ex0 se_pop_ex0 se_pop_macro_ex1 sh_en_ex1 sh_pop_ex1 energy_macro_ex1 relax.png se_en_ex1 se_pop_ex1 sh.dat sh_map.png sh_pop_macro_ex0 plt_relax se.dat se_map.png se_pop_macro_ex0 sh_en_ex0 sh_pop_ex0 sh_pop_macro_ex1
> gnuplot plt_relax > gnuplot plt_td_map
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