其实之前写过如何安装hefei-NAMD,但是由于软件的迭代更新,安装步骤也有了一些变化,这里我们重新安装一遍。 首先输入以下命令,获取安装包:
git clone https://github.com/realxiangjiang/paraHFNAMD
module load gcc/7.5.0 source /data/software/intel/2022u2/setvars.sh intel64
激活编译器之后进入目录:paraHFNAMD/src,直接输入make,就可以正常安装。 安装成功之后,在paraHFNAMD目录下会多出一些文件,其中HFNAMD就是可执行文件,如下图所示:
SYSTEM = /home/wal/tio2_CO2 Startparameter for this Run: NWRITE = 2 ISTART = 0 ICHARG = 2 LCHARG = .TRUE. LWAVE = .TRUE. NCORE = 4 KPAR = 2 Electronic Relaxation PREC = High ENCUT = 400 ISPIN = 1 NBANDS = 210 NELMIN = 5 EDIFF = 1E-08 LREAL = .FALSE. IALGO = 38 GGA = PE Ionic Relaxation EDIFFG = -5E-03 IBRION = -1 ISIF = 0 NSW = 0 POTIM = 0.2 DOS Related values ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 LORBIT = 11 LOPTICS = .TRUE.
O2Ti1 1.0 4.6723895073 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 4.6723895073 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 3.0231277943 Ti O 2 4 Direct 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.500000000 0.500000000 0.500000000 0.305055708 0.305055708 0.000000000 0.694944322 0.694944322 0.000000000 0.194944292 0.805055678 0.500000000 0.805055678 0.194944292 0.500000000
SYSTEM = /home/wal/tio2_CO2 Startparameter for this Run: NWRITE = 2 ISTART = 1 LCHARG = .TRUE. LWAVE = .TRUE. KPAR = 4 Electronic Relaxation PREC = High ENCUT = 400 ISPIN = 1 NBANDS = 210 EDIFF = 1E-06 LREAL = .FALSE. GGA = PE Ionic Relaxation EDIFFG = -5E-03 IBRION = -1 ISIF = 0 NSW = 0 POTIM = 0.2 DOS Related values ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 LORBIT = 11 GW LOPTICS = .TRUE. PRECFOCK = N NELM = 1 ALGO = GW0 NOMEGA = 50
SYSTEM = /home/wal/tio2_CO2 Startparameter for this Run: NWRITE = 2 ISTART = 0 ICHARG = 1 LCHARG = .TRUE. LWAVE = .TRUE. NCORE = 8 # KPAR = 2 Electronic Relaxation PREC = High ENCUT = 400 ISPIN = 1 # NBANDS = 240 NELMIN = 5 EDIFF = 1E-06 LREAL = .FALSE. IALGO = 38 GGA = PE Ionic Relaxation EDIFFG = -5E-03 IBRION = 0 SMASS = -1 ISYM = 0 NSW = 1000 POTIM = 1 NBLOCK = 4 TEBEG=300 TEEND=300 DOS Related values ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 LORBIT = 11
SYSTEM = /home/wal/tio2_CO2 Startparameter for this Run: NWRITE = 2 ISTART = 0 ICHARG = 1 LCHARG = .TRUE. LWAVE = .TRUE. NCORE = 8 # KPAR = 2 Electronic Relaxation PREC = High ENCUT = 400 ISPIN = 1 # NBANDS = 240 NELMIN = 5 EDIFF = 1E-06 LREAL = .FALSE. IALGO = 38 GGA = PE Ionic Relaxation EDIFFG = -5E-03 IBRION = 0 SMASS = -3 ISYM = 0 NSW = 1000 POTIM = 1 NBLOCK = 1 DOS Related values ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 LORBIT = 11
import numpy as np import os ############################################################################## def xdat2pos(xdatfile='XDATCAR', dir='run/'): headfile = open(xdatfile, 'r') headlines = headfile.readlines()[:7] headfile.close() head = ''.join(headlines) + 'Direct' print(head) # total = np.array(headlines[6].split()) # total.dtype = 'float' # total = total.sum() total = np.array(headlines[6].split(), dtype=int).sum() #print(total) xdat = np.loadtxt(xdatfile, skiprows=7, comments='D') N = xdat.shape[0] / total #print(N) beginNO = 900 #not include endNO = N os.mkdir(dir) for i in np.arange(beginNO, endNO) + 1: ii = '%04d' % (i - beginNO) posdir = dir + ii os.mkdir(posdir) posfile = posdir + '/POSCAR' print(posfile) np.savetxt(posfile, xdat[(int(i) - 1) * total:int(i) * total], fmt='%.8f', delimiter = ' ', newline='\n ', header=head, comments='') file = open(posfile, 'r') midtmp = file.readlines()[:-1] file.close() file = open(posfile, 'w') file.writelines(midtmp) file.close() ############################################################################ xdat2pos()
将该脚本和nev生成的XDATCAR放在一个文件夹中,运行脚本,会产生一个run文件夹。 准备自洽计算的输入文件,incar设置如下:
SYSTEM = /home/wal/tio2_CO2 Startparameter for this Run: NWRITE = 2 ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 1 LCHARG = .TRUE. LWAVE = .TRUE. NCORE = 4 KPAR = 2 Electronic Relaxation PREC = High ENCUT = 400 ISPIN = 1 NBANDS = 42 NELMIN = 5 EDIFF = 1E-06 LREAL = .FALSE. IALGO = 38 GGA = PE Ionic Relaxation EDIFFG = -5E-03 IBRION = -1 ISIF = 0 ISYM = -1 NSW = 0 POTIM = 0.2 DOS Related values ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.05 LORBIT = 11
#!/bin/bash for i in {0001..0100};do cd run/$i ln -sf ../../INCAR ln -sf ../../KPOINTS ln -sf ../../POTCAR ln -sf ../../vasp.sh sbatch < vasp.sh cd ../.. done
#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################ import os, re import numpy as np from glob import glob import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('agg') mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable ############################################################ def WeightFromPro(infile='PROCAR', whichAtom=None, spd=None): """ Contribution of selected atoms to the each KS orbital """ print(infile) assert os.path.isfile(infile), '%s cannot be found!' % infile FileContents = [line for line in open(infile) if line.strip()] # when the band number is too large, there will be no space between ";" and # the actual band number. A bug found by Homlee Guo. # Here, #kpts, #bands and #ions are all integers nkpts, nbands, nions = [int(xx) for xx in re.sub('[^0-9]', ' ', FileContents[1]).split()] if spd: Weights = np.asarray([line.split()[1:-1] for line in FileContents if not re.search('[a-zA-Z]', line)], dtype=float) Weights = np.sum(Weights[:,spd], axis=1) else: Weights = np.asarray([line.split()[-1] for line in FileContents if not re.search('[a-zA-Z]', line)], dtype=float) nspin = Weights.shape[0] // (nkpts * nbands * nions) Weights.resize(nspin, nkpts, nbands, nions) Energies = np.asarray([line.split()[-4] for line in FileContents if 'occ.' in line], dtype=float) Energies.resize(nspin, nkpts, nbands) if whichAtom is None: return Energies, np.sum(Weights, axis=-1) else: # whichAtom = [xx - 1 for xx in whichAtom] return Energies, np.sum(Weights[:,:,:,whichAtom], axis=-1) def parallel_wht(runDirs, whichAtoms, nproc=None): ''' calculate localization of some designated in parallel. ''' import multiprocessing nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if nproc is None else nproc pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nproc) results = [] for rd in runDirs: res = pool.apply_async(WeightFromPro, (rd + '/PROCAR', whichAtoms, None,)) results.append(res) enr = [] wht = [] for ii in range(len(results)): tmp_enr, tmp_wht = results[ii].get() enr.append(tmp_enr) wht.append(tmp_wht) return np.array(enr), np.array(wht) ############################################################ # calculate spatial localization ############################################################ nsw = 100 dt = 1.0 #gapdiff = 1.70750 gapdiff = 0 nproc = 8 prefix = './run/' runDirs = [prefix + '/{:04d}'.format(ii + 1) for ii in range(nsw)] # which spin, index starting from 0 whichS = 0 # which k-point, index starting from 0 whichK = 0 # which atoms, index starting from 0 whichA = np.arange(2) # whichB = range(54) Alabel = r'Ti' Blabel = r'O' if os.path.isfile('all_wht.npy'): Wht = np.load('all_wht.npy') Enr = np.load('all_en.npy') else: # for gamma point version, no-spin Enr, Wht = parallel_wht(runDirs, whichA, nproc=nproc) Enr = Enr[:, whichS,whichK, :] Wht = Wht[:, whichS,whichK, :] # Enr, Wht1 = parallel_wht(runDirs, whichA, nproc=nproc) # Enr, Wht2 = parallel_wht(runDirs, whichB, nproc=nproc) # Enr = Enr[:, whichS,whichK, :] # Wht1 = Wht1[:, whichS,whichK, :] # Wht2 = Wht2[:, whichS,whichK, :] # Wht = Wht1 / (Wht1 + Wht2) np.save('all_wht.npy', Wht) np.save('all_en.npy', Enr) ############################################################ fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(4.8, 3.6) ######################################## ax = plt.subplot() nband = Enr.shape[1] T, dump = np.mgrid[0:nsw:dt, 0:nband] sFac = 8 Enr[Enr > 6] += gapdiff #gw-gapdiff ############################################################ # METHOD 1. ############################################################ # use scatter to plot the band # ax.scatter( T, Enr, s=Wht / Wht.max() * sFac, color='red', lw=0.0, zorder=1) # for ib in range(nband): # ax.plot(T[:,ib], Enr[:,ib], lw=0.5, color='k', alpha=0.5) ############################################################ # METHOD 2. ############################################################ # use colored scatter to plot the band img = ax.scatter(T, Enr, s=1.0, c=Wht, lw=0.0, zorder=1, vmin=Wht.min(), vmax=Wht.max(), cmap='seismic') # for ib in range(nband): # ax.plot(T[:,ib], Enr[:,ib], lw=0.5, color='k', alpha=0.5) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax_cbar = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.02) cbar = plt.colorbar(img, cax=ax_cbar, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_ticks([Wht.min(), Wht.max()]) cbar.set_ticklabels([Blabel, Alabel]) ############################################################ # METHOD 3. ############################################################ # # use color strip to plot the band # # LW = 1.0 # DELTA = 0.3 # norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=Wht.min(), # vmax=Wht.max()) # # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure # s_m = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap='jet_r', norm=norm) # s_m.set_array([Wht]) # # x = np.arange(0, nsw, dt) # # for iband in range(nband): # for iband in range(100, 110): # print('Processing band: {:4d}...'.format(iband)) # y = Enr[:,iband] # z = Wht[:,iband] # # ax.plot(x, y, # lw=LW + 2 * DELTA, # color='gray', zorder=1) # # points = np.array([x, y]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) # segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) # lc = LineCollection(segments, # colors=[s_m.to_rgba(ww) for ww in (z[1:] + z[:-1])/2.] # ) # # lc.set_array((z[1:] + z[:-1]) / 2) # lc.set_linewidth(LW) # ax.add_collection(lc) # # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # ax_cbar = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.02) # cbar = plt.colorbar(s_m, cax=ax_cbar, # # ticks=[Wht.min(), Wht.max()], # orientation='vertical') # cbar.set_ticks([Wht.min(), Wht.max()]) # cbar.set_ticklabels([Alabel, Blabel]) ax.set_xlim(0, nsw) ax.set_ylim(3.5, 8.5+gapdiff) ax.set_xlabel('Time [fs]', fontsize=None, labelpad=5) ax.set_ylabel('Energy [eV]', fontsize=None, labelpad=8) ax.tick_params(which='both', labelsize='x-small') ######################################## plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) plt.savefig('dft.png', dpi=360) #plt.savefig('gw.png', dpi=360)
// basic taskmod = fssh // task mode choose, now supported: fssh, dish, dcsh, bse, spinor carrier = exciton // supported: electron(default) hole exciton dftcode = vasp // only supported is vasp currently vaspver = 4 // VASP version 2-5.2.x, 4-5.4.x, 6-6.x vaspbin = std // supported: gam std ncl //pawpsae = ae // for paw choose, ps("pseudo") or ae("all-electron") //sexpikr = 0 // 0-calc Ekrij in momory, 1-store Ekrij in disk ispinor = 0 // 0-Bloch 1-spinor memrank = 1 // 1-high(default), 2-medium, >=3-low //probind = 1 // # of processes(usually nodes) binded. Default covers one node, if memrank >= 3, probind = ALL processes(nodes) runhome = ../md/run/ // all scf directories are listed in runhome ndigits = 4 // # of digits for scf directories, e.g. 00136 if ndigits = 5 totstru = 100 // if totstru = 0, code will combine previous calculations //strubeg = 1 // if set the two tags //struend = 10 // totstru forced equals to struend - strubeg + 1 // basis sets space numspns = 1 // numspns = 1 or 2 allspns = 0 // 0 or 1 if numspns = 1; 0 0, 0 1, 1 1 if numspns = 2 numkpts = 0 // 0 for ALL kpoints = 3 5 6 9 bandtop = 20 20 bandmax = 18 18 bandmin = 11 11 bandbot = 8 8 condmax = 28 condmin = 25 valemax = 24 valemin = 22 exclude = 0 // format: num b_11 b_12 ... b_1num b_21 b_22 ... b_2num. total 1 + numspns * num // dynamics //hopmech = nac // the hopping mechanism, now supported: nac, nacsoc, nacbse //intalgo = Magnus // integral algorithm, default: Magnus, test: Euler dyntemp = 250. // the temperature of dynamics iontime = 1.0 // ionic step time, POTIM in vasp neleint = 1000 // number of electronic intergral, interval time = iontime / neleint nsample = 2 // number of samples for dynamics ntrajec = 10000 // number of trajectories for one sample namdtim = 10 // namd time, should at least 2 nvinidc = 1 // non-vanishing initial dynamic coefficients // exciton epsilon = -1.0 // if < 0, use gw calculation, else screen Coulomb potential = 1/epsilon * 1/r wpotdir = ../gw/g0w0/ iswfull = 0 // VASP: wxxxx.tmp or wfullxxxx.tmp //encutgw = xxx // set encutgw ONLY if there is ENCUTGW tag in vasp INCAR file nkptsgw = 2 2 3 nkptssc = 2 2 3 gapdiff = 1.6867 // > 0: manually set; < 0: automatically by wpotdir/OUTCAR //dynchan = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 // dynamics channel scales, size of 4, for K^d, K^x, eph, radiation lrecomb = 1 // recombination option: 0-not recombine, 1-nonradiative, 2-radiative, 3-both //bsedone = 0 // = 1 if bse was calculated before and // make sure tmpDirect/ and tmpExchange/ exist in calculation directory // addtional info // "spinor2" > 0 means some spinor plane-wave will be rebuilt //spinor2 = N // the following "N" lines specify rebuilt kpoints //kpt1 kpt2 kpt3 kpt4 // example for spinor2 = 4, kpt_i = 1, 2, 3, ... // usually kpt1 = 1 with N = 1 for Gamma is enough
17 0 1 25 24 42 0 1 25 24
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J name #SBATCH -p bcores48 #SBATCH -n 48 #SBATCH --reservation=qc119_30 module load gcc/7.5.0 source /data/software/intel/2022u2/setvars.sh intel64 ulimit -s unlimited mpirun -np 48 /data/home/qc119/sourcecode/paraHFNAMD/HFNAMD
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